When You Don’t Know What to Do
It happens to everyone. You don’t exactly know what to do. You stick to your routine, you go through the motions. You heard some advice, but you somehow wish not to implement it. Because you do not see what the person giving the advice saw. Your vision, your end objective, you can’t quite formulate it yet. But you know there has to be a next step. Something has to be done in order to get away from the circle. The circle is comfortable, no doubt. You exactly know the next step and the one after it. You build your confidence, you do it right, you know the way. However, there is no growth left in the circle. No building up, you can master the circle but it is not this circle you want to stay in. There is a better one. You sense it, but cannot quite formulate it yet.
You give up.
You wake up one morning, and you decide this is the day to be open. You get a message from a friend to support her and come to an event. You say YES. She calls you the next day and says she needs a backup. You are scared and you say YES. You browse the sites for something you want to take part and you accidentally drop on Register for a free event and network…..You say YES. You want to send the e-mail, but…
You give up.
Then you wake up one day, open the laptop and while being scared and thinking I don’t know yet, I am not sure, Maybe this is not a good idea, I have nothing to say… and the next thing you know you are writing a text and writing the e-mail. You are moving. Is it the right direction? Is it in line with my objective? What is my objective…? The mind is endless in its pursuit. You silence the mind and go on. You accept a call for help. You go and GIVE. You accept the call for the event and you SHOW UP. You keep going. The mind is restless. This is not what we should be doing! You don’t have time for this! This is something you NEVER DID BEFORE. Maybe it is better to turn around and go home?
You SILENCE the mind.
You say YES.
You GIVE help.
You try something you NEVER DID BEFORE.