The Lost Millennial
There is a lot being said on the feeling of being lost and also on the attachment society produces to that feeling. The millennial generation, suffering from many labels, has experienced this as well. I have heard and read about it so many times, we are lost. We are wandering aimlessly in the world that does not offer the same opportunities as before, the world that is different than it was for their parents.
What happens when the world changes? We reflect it and it reflects us.
My point of view is that we should always choose the empowering perspective. Even when someone says “you are lost”, I feel the guilt raising in me, and then I let it go… The perspective that says: Ok, let’s assume and accept that we are lost. In their eyes we are lost. The only thing that matters is do we feel we are lost? Does this judgement (because it is a judgement, not a fact) makes us cringe back and agree, accepting the feeling of loss inside ourselves? Do we feel like there is nothing we can do about it? Do we resort just to things we know we can’t change — like the past? I know I have. It made me feel like I can’t change anything and like there is something shameful about this thought of “being lost”.
Now, I choose it to be an invitation to raise up, to show up more, to own my life and my choices. Everything that is there to judge you is there to raise you up. And there is nothing lost in that process. It was there for every generation, for every person at one point in their lives. We reflect our generation and it reflects us.
We can choose to say: everything in my life led me to this point so I can_______. What being lost feels like is: Everything in my life is just a random set of events that led to a random set of experiences and a random set of people. I had nothing to do with it and was a victim of parents, education, my appearance, the society and the fact that I was born at that particular time in history.
Everyone losses themselves at one point. Only in total re-construction of our lives, which happens after living in the center of judgement, can we be born again with purpose. Without pain there is no purpose of being blessed. For me, it is healing on mass levels. How painful does something have to be, until we choose to notice and raise up?
The millennial generation is not lost due to world circumstances. The world is lost without it, if we choose to listen and agree to the judgement.