How To Live Your Life
There are so many articles that tell you how you got to live your life. Everyone is convinced they know the way, the hidden secret that we have all somehow missed in our pursuits. That our life so-far has been somehow less than because we didn’t have that knowledge and that motivation. The fact is: we have all had bad as well as wonderful experiences. If you are at a point in life when you believe somebody’s got to tell you how and what to do, convincing you that so far, you have lived less than perfectly, you are in trouble and no article is going to save that. It is also our unconscious bias that someone out there writing this stuff knows better and has this secret potion and everyone drinks and magically become super ultra secure and perfect for the rest of their lives.
The one pill you really need, you have already drank. You came here to be, to face your true self. Even when you face yourself, it’s not going to be what they preach. It’s going to be yours. It’s going to be different. It’s going to be good for you. Everything that is happening in your life is somehow good for you. It’s challenging. Sometimes we just want to give up trying so hard. We give up and say: what the hell, I’m never going to get this life thing right, there is always some bullshit around the corner and it’s never over. We are so used to making our problems our enemies when without them we would be lost. It is not because of the problem that we are lost. We are lost without it. And guess what that means? We have to find a way, a solution. Not someone else for us, but we. You are the one. Who knows best. What to do with your life.
If there is no one to step in for you, are you going to do it? Are you going to be there for you?
You are probably going to get angry and give-up more than a couple of times. You are going to beat yourself up. Until you realize you are all you’ve got. That’s all you get. Period. Are you your best friend or are you always complaining to others that this “me” person never does anything right?
There is no recipe. Or a book. Or an app. That can replace YOU.