How Meditation Improves the Ability to Make Better Choices
I am absolutely convinced that the only thing people really need to know in order to get to know themselves better, have better relationships or make decisions with better overall outcomes is to focus on one thing only: discovering the absolute vs. relative perception. Blending the two perspectives makes our choices simpler and more impactful, which is an incredible struggle in today’s world. While we overflow ourselves with information, distraction and consumption avenues, something as powerful as making the right decision could create a beneficial change in our lives. When I say decisions, it could be as easy as what am I going to do today to the big as where am I going to live. In my personal experience, it all really boils down to the “simple” everyday choices, but every once in a while, life offers us crossroads where choices could make a bigger impact (and this is where the whole absolute/relative perspective really counts).
Absolute is where all the other perspectives and how it correlates with our perspective exists in any given moment (past, present or future), in different places and different dimensions. It’s a fluid mass of possibility and energy and you can perceive it by releasing the constant duality we choose on a daily basis. People practicing meditation continuously and masters seem to be dwelling in the Absolute. However, all of our lives and theirs as well, is affected by the Relative, so called free will, perspective, etc., where the “will” part correlates to in which way we “turn” and what we look at in any given moment in all dimensions. Therefore, all the stories around focus and attention make more sense.
What I found, to my surprise, is that it is a completely natural and spontaneous progression or maturing. It is insanely hilarious. You come to a point where your silliness is just something to laugh about, where the relevance of humor comes to front, because it all really seems like a big joke. :) While we are aware of the duality and the story behind it, we perceive the unique Absolute and our Relative position in it. The intuitive knowledge that comes with blending all this into one helps us make decisions that will ultimately bring the most benefit, while EVERYTHING still seems to flow completely effortlessly.
What Tilopa wrote in the tantric poems as: “Transcending duality is a royal perspective” rings really true once you release the need for it all to happen “in the right way” while at the same time maintaining the faith that everything was, is and always will flow in exactly the right way. The wrong part is the Relative notion of the same thing.
This feeling, the dwelling in the “meta”, the knowing without the definitive closure, the “state of flow” or “wonder” is the position of transcendence and residing in the Absolute, “abiding in the Self”.
The ability to keep and maintain this position as a natural state is the master’s (Guru’s) achievement. However, my personal belief is there are many unknown Gurus and therefore the association we have with this word should be looked at and let go. What is more meaningful to take from this, is locating the feeling in the body, recognizing, accepting and feeling joyous about experiencing such a calm state.
Therefore, all we ever choose is our Relative Position. If it’s turned to the Absolute, with continuous faith, there is nothing ever going the “wrong way”. As it is said by spiritual teachers, there is really no point in trying to understand and “hack” karma or trying to always understand the “big picture”, because there is only so much we can perceive. There are spiritual teachings you could use to enhance your perception, but we should be aware not to fall in the trap of performing the motions (physical, breathing and other routines) in order to cripple a part of us (run away from something, trying to punish ourselves…). Totally enjoying the Absolute, is loving the part of us that is in condemnation, whether by our mind or by the society.
If any of this resonated with your experiences of practice in yoga and meditation, I would love to hear more about it, so please share your enhanced perception in the comments ❤