Depression is so present in today’s society that it should make us uncomfortable. It should makes us wonder. Not judge. Empathize. I have been in depressed periods, but I have done so much work on realizing my cause that I can now reflect on it, with a much bigger picture. I understand people who currently experience it feel like nobody understands them and just need other people to acknowledge their feelings. The problem is (in my humble opinion) that we do not deal with our emotions and we do not self — reflect or question our responses to certain traumatic events. Trauma can very big or it can be a small thing, seemingly logically insignificant, but emotional marks that we create by adding a meaning to that are there. So, the reason I’m writing this is that mostly other people won’t accept your vulnerabilities because they have their own and not all of us were taught to listen emphatically. Because of that it is vital for a person to find a good therapist, an emotional healer or mental health coach and try to uncover themselves what lies underneath the depression. Is it anger, that our culture so diligently want us to push away? You are brave to talk about it openly and you should not be ashamed of anything.